By Ava Stern
Listen to Phoebe Bridgers
Have an acorn fall on your head
Pick a leaf up from the ground cinematically
Buy at least one pumpkin thing from Trader Joe’s
Say you are going to go to a haunted house but never actually go
Go on a hike at Rock Creek Park (trust me- you have to)
Jump in a pile of leaves
Critique a million-dollar house’s Halloween decorations
Scare someone
Bake something
Eat (drink?) soup
Light an excessive amount of candles and dance in your living room
Use the opening “Happy Fall!” in an email
Listen to Bob Dylan
Wear a jean jacket
Wrap your cardigan and look longingly into nothing like they do in “Big Little Lies”
Cry at the National Cathedral (happy or sad)
Take a photo of the foliage on campus
Look at old photos of your Halloween costumes
Drink tea
Wear plaid
Get a special drink at The Bridge
Read Sally Rooney
Get lost in the stacks at the library
Wear a costume to school on Halloween
Listen to the album “Blue Banisters” by Lana Del Rey
Specifically, “Thunder”
Text your friends on Thanksgiving
Sent a handwritten letter
Rewatch your comfort movie
Be cliche
Read the Amlit blog :)