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The Best Ways to Expand Your Music Taste
Journal Entries to Help Heal Your Inner Child
Harry Styles and the Resurgence of Effeminate Menswear
How Media Romantcizes WLW Relationships
The Joy of Little Stories
Having a Sixth Sense Isn't So Far-Fetched
Surprising Similarities Between Succession and BoJack Horseman
The Importance of Personal Essays
NFTs and Modern Art
Why The Alternate Timelines Episode Is The Best Episode of Community
Y Tu Mamá También - How Settings Shape Us
An Ode to the Moms Book Club: Why Books That Provoke Conversation Are Most Important
Why the Female Gaze is so important in media
Currently at the Katzen: the must see pieces and artists now on view
Appreciating Beauty
Why TV Series Are The Book Adaptations We Need
The Art of Technology: Kevin McCoy on NFTs
Women in Photography: New Exhibit at the National Gallery
A Visit to the Dupont Underground
Why Avatar: The Last Airbender was the Quarantine Show We Needed